Our Innovations

1. Evidence Tori Dey

An African-Led Approach for Knowledge Dissemination.

Evidence Tori Dey, meaning "Let's tell science stories" in pidgin English, is the use of African storytelling to translate research evidence, often produced in complex scientific jargon, into simple language that can be understood by all.

Despite the ever-growing body of research, the evidence ecosystem faces the problem of evidence to practice gap. Some of the challenges associated with the limited uptake of research evidence are the Complexity of research evidence terminology, limited access to research evidence, the language in which the research evidence is disseminated, limited funding of innovative knowledge mobilization approaches etc. To ensure the effective uptake of research evidence by the targeted population, it is important to consider what, to whom, by whom and how research should be transferred. Understanding the dynamicity (Non-scientific savvies, non-literate, non-digital literate, resources constraints inhabitants with limited access to media, hundreds of languages spoken etc) of the different populations is a significant step in knowledge mobilization for an equitable use of research evidence for decision-making.



The 7 steps of the eBASE Evidence Tori Dey