Partnerships with Governments: Our Odyssey Across Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.

Imagine a world where research discoveries don't gather dust on shelves, but instead transform lives and improve livelihoods. This powerful potential becomes a reality when researchers and policymakers join forces. At eBASE Africa, we are on a mission to bridge this gap, and our journey across Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and Nigeria showcases the transformative power of collaboration.

The Disconnect: Why Collaboration Matters

In many parts of the world, a critical disconnect exists between research and policy. This is especially true in French-speaking African countries, where policymakers sometimes lack the resources or capacity to utilize research effectively. This can lead to policies that miss the mark, hindering development and impacting citizens' lives.

Building Bridges: The Benefits of Collaboration

Collaboration between researchers and governments unlocks a treasure trove of benefits:

Evidence-Informed Policymaking: Research provides the foundation for informed decisions. By leveraging evidence and insights, governments can create effective policies that address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Strategic Prioritization: Researchers pinpoint critical areas requiring research and development. Governments can then allocate resources strategically, maximizing the impact of research efforts.

Faster Innovation: Collaborative projects accelerate the journey from research to real-world application. This translates to quicker solutions for pressing problems facing communities.

Public Trust and Transparency: Open communication fosters public trust in scientific advancements. Transparency builds public confidence in policies rooted in sound research.

eBASE Africa: Our Journey of Collaboration

Since early 2020, eBASE Africa has been on a mission to bridge the gap between research and real-world impact in Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and Nigeria. Here's a glimpse into our transformative journey in Cameroon:

January 2022: We joined hands with the Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB), paving the way for innovative educational advancements like the performance Based Financing, which aimed at aimed improving teaching and learning through financial incentives.

July 2022: Partnering with the Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC), we are addressing the critical issue of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) for adolescent girls in school. By improving sanitation facilities in 55 schools across four regions, we empowered over 30,000 girls to stay in school and pursue their dreams. This has influenced the ministry’s policy on clean schools.

August 2022: Our collaboration with the Northwest Regional Assembly focused on equipping communities with knowledge and skills for sustainable waste management practices through evidence-based approaches. It also facilitated one exchange visit with the government of Western Cape.

August 2023: Expanding our impact, we joined forces with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF) and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MINAS). This collaboration focuses on improving the lives of equity-deserving groups in Cameroon, with a focus on child protection and promotion. We've already trained 180 junior parliamentarians on critical skills like fighting misinformation and fact-checking, while also empowering 40 policymakers with the knowledge of utilizing research evidence in policy making.

Beyond Cameroon: Building a Collaborative Future Across Africa

We've been working in close collaboration with the Ministries of Education in Niger, Chad, and Nigeria, laying the groundwork for collaborative research and development projects tailored to improving educational attainment in these countries. 

The Road Ahead: A Call to Action

In an increasingly complex world, fostering a robust relationship between researchers and policymakers is more critical than ever. By working together, we can unlock the power of research to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all. At eBASE Africa, this vision drives our mission. We are actively forging partnerships across Middle Africa, and we look forward to welcoming more policymakers to the table. Together, let's build an Africa where research truly transforms lives.